Get estimate from 3rd party service providers (Service availability, Price, Wait time etc.)


Response Object hash

Response hash child attributes

id String
Estimate ID

name String
Service name

fee Double
Fee amount

pickupTime String ISO DateTime, UTC
Pickup time for the order.
ISO DateTime, example "2021-08-21T23:34:10Z"
pattern: "YYYY-mm-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"

deliveryTime String ISO DateTime, UTC
Delivery time for the order.
ISO DateTime, example "2021-08-21T23:34:10Z"
pattern: "YYYY-mm-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"

pickupDuration Integer
Pickup duration for the order in minutes

deliveryDuration Integer
Delivery duration in minutes

error Boolean
Identifier for error. True if there was any.

errorCode String
Error Code. ex. "SDX-3-2"

errorMessage String
Reason of the error or error related informations.
