
orderId Integer
Unique identifier for this order

orderNumber String
Order reference of customer platform

companyId Integer
Identifier of the company to which this order belong

areaId Integer
Identifier of the operational area when the company is operating their delivery

customer hash
Customer associated with the order

Child attributes

name String
Name of the customer

address String
Address of the customer

phoneNumber String
Phone number of the customer

emailAddress String
Email address of the customer

latitude Double
Customer location latitude value

longitude Double
Customer location longitude value

restaurant hash
Restaurant associated with the order

Child attributes

id Integer
Unique Identifier specifying the restaurant

name String
Name of the restaurant

address String
Address of the restaurant

phoneNumber String
Phone number of the restaurant

latitude Double
Restaurant location latitude value

longitude Double
Restaurant location longitude value

assignedCarrier hash
Assigned Carrier information for the order ( null if not assigned yet)

Child attributes

id Integer
Unique Identifier specifying the carrier

personalId Integer
Provided id from the user ( null if not available )

name String
Name of the carrier

codeName String
Provided code name for the carrier

phoneNumber String
Phone number of the carrier

companyId Integer
Unique identifier specifying the company

areaId Integer
Unique identifier specifying the area

isOnShift Boolean
Indication for the carrier if he/she is on shift

email String
Email Address of the carrier

carrierPhoto String
Carrier photo link

isActive Boolean
Indication for the carrier if he/she is active

distance Double
Calculated distance between pickup and delivery address

activityLog hash
Order related events log

Child attributes

placementTime String
Order placement time (must be in UTC format)

expectedPickupTime String
Expected order pickup time (hh:mm format)

expectedDeliveryDate String
Expected order delivery date (yyyy-mm-dd)

expectedDeliveryTime String
Expected order delivery time (hh:mm format)

assignedTime String
Order assignment time (must be in UTC format)

startTime String
Order start time (must be in UTC format)

pickedUpTime String
Order picked up time from restaurant (must be in UTC format)

arrivedTime String
Arrival time to the customer (must be in UTC format)

deliveryTime String
Order delivery time (must be in UTC format)

costing hash
Order costing details

Child attributes

totalCost Double
Total cost of the order items

deliveryFee Double
Delivery fee of the order

tip Double
Tip amount for the order

discountAmount Double
Discount amount for the order

tax Double
Tax amount for the ordered items

cashTip Double
Cash tip for the order

paymentMethod String
Payment method for the order

orderItems Array
Array of hashes Ordered item

Ordered Item hash child attributes

name String
Name of the order item

quantity Integer
Quantity of the order item

unitPrice Double
Price of the order item per unit

assignedCarrierId Integer
Assigned carrier's ID

orderStatus hash
Order status info

Child attributes

incomplete Boolean
Boolean value to indicate if the order is incomplete

accepted Boolean
Boolean value to indicate if the order is accepted

orderState String
Order's current state

trackingLink String
Customer tracking url link

feedback "String"
Feedback of the customer

schedule Boolean
Indication for the order if it is a scheduled order or not

parentId Integer
Parent ID for the order

etaTime String
Estimated time of arrival for the order

pickupInstruction String

Pickup related instruction for the order

deliveryInstruction String
Delivery Instruction for the order

proofOfDelivery hash
Proof of delivery details

Child attributes

signaturePath String
URL of the signature or POD image

latitude Double
Latitude value where driver completed the delivery

longitude Double
Longitude value where driver completed the delivery

imageUrls Array

Array of proof of delivery image URL strings

Supported orderState Enum values
Note: ACTIVE orders are those which are neither ALREADY_DELIVERED nor FAILED_DELIVERY nor INCOMPLETE
    "orderId": 20625,
    "orderNumber": "7568",
    "companyId": 409,
    "areaId": 406,
    "customer": {
      "name": "William Jacob",
      "address": "CVV4+C7 Palo Alto, California, United States",
      "phoneNumber": "+16504135349",
      "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
      "latitude": 32.7875632,
      "longitude": -170.3874568
    "restaurant": {
      "name": "Garden fresh Palo Alto",
      "address": "460 Ramona St, Palo Alto, CA 94301, United States",
      "phoneNumber": "+16504632332",
      "latitude": 32.8069245,
      "longitude": -170.368697
    "assignedCarrier": {
      "id": 30309,
      "personalId": null,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "codeName": null,
      "phoneNumber": "+12342342330",
      "companyId": null,
      "areaId": null,
      "isOnShift": null,
      "email": null,
      "carrierPhoto": "",
      "isActive": null
    "distance": 1.78772,
    "activityLog": {
      "placementTime": "2019-11-29T11:43:59",
      "expectedPickupTime": "12:12",
      "expectedDeliveryDate": "2019-11-29",
      "expectedDeliveryTime": "12:42",
      "assignedTime": "2019-11-30T13:40:07",
      "startTime": "2019-11-30T13:41:07",
      "pickedUpTime": "2019-12-01T05:43:15",
      "arrivedTime": "2019-12-01T05:43:15",
      "deliveryTime": "2019-12-01T05:43:15"
    "costing": {
      "totalCost": 30.45,
      "deliveryFee": 0,
      "tip": 0,
      "discountAmount": 0,
      "tax": 1.45,
      "cashTip": 0
    "paymentMethod": "CASH",
    "orderItems": [
        "name": "Grilled Salmon Fillet",
        "quantity": 2,
        "unitPrice": 14.50
    "assignedCarrierId": -1,
    "orderStatus": {
      "incomplete": false,
      "accepted": true,
      "orderState": "ALREADY_DELIVERED"
    "trackingLink": null,
    "feedback": 5,
    "schedule": false,
    "parentId": 0,
    "etaTime": "",
  	"pickupInstruction": "Will be ready in 15 minutes",
    "deliveryInstruction": "Please, Knock at the door",
    "proofOfDelivery": {
        "signaturePath": "",
        "latitude": 23.8,
        "longitude": 90.36,
      	"imageUrls": [""]